21.01.2014· 电脑开机出现AMIBIOS(C)2006 American Megatrends, Inc.屏幕显示从下往下第9行:pri master hard disk:S.M.A.R.T.第一主启动盘. American Megatrends has a strict OEM business model for AMIBIOS: it sells source code to motherboard manufacturers or customizes AMIBIOS for each OEM. 20.10.2010· AMIBIOS 2006 bios hang. driyan72 Oct 20, 2010, 11:31 AM. Got install Kubuntu 10.10 from USB flashdisk. But after succeed instalation, my bios system which is AMI BIOS. American Megatrends developers of enterprise-level serverboard EFI and UEFI firmware, StorTrends storage products, MegaRAC IPMI technology and much more. AMI BIOS 1.21 производства American Megatrends, Inc. — нечастый гость на компьютерах. Основная причина. AMIBIOS(C)2006 American Megatrends, Inc. BIOS Date: 03/02/06 20:15:54 Ver: 09.00.07 Press DEL to n Setup Checking NVRAM.